It is that time again, time for the Friday Fabulous five!! Not only is it Linky Love but this marks the first week of ICAD!! What is ICAD you ask????? ohhhhhh it is a deliciously wonderful challenge put on by none other than the Queen of index cards.....*drum roll please* Tammy Garcia at Daisy Yellow. YES, I know, how shocking that I am participating in something put on from Tammy. What can I say? I am a groupie, a big fan, a "no, it is not stalking type" of follower. So what does it entail??? Well the only *rule* is that it involves index cards, you can do anything, I mean ANYTHING, to them with whatever you want, with as much time as you want to invest. The sky really is the limit....although drawing a sky is totally ok *wink wink* You just draw, paint, doodle, collage, stamp...WHATEVER YOU WANT...on an index card a day for 61 days. Go check it out, it isn't too late to start!!!!
So I started out with the full knowledge that I wasn't going to post a card everyday. I am going to DO one, but only actually post it weekly. It fits my schedule better, it's yard work time so I have to squeeze more into my day, which leaves less time for posts! Anyhoo.....I find that I have to sometimes *make* myself pull out a card and actually start one, but once I start I enjoy the freeing process. It isn't "serious, I have to make this perfect or else" type of art. It is just a little 3x5 index card. Tammy does have prompts and themes available but they are optional. I have used a few of them, but not all. I have for the most part, done them at night while sitting on the couch with my husband watching the boob tube. Although, one MUST put everything away when HANNIBAL comes on.....*sigh* Who would have thunk that a sweet little woman like me would LOVE such a bad evil character. Yeah, it isn't right, but oh well...I have been a fan ever since Silence of the Lambs. Who doesn't love some Anythony Hopkins???!!! Anyways, back to are my first 7 cards. My chubby zebra is my favorite!!!

See? Nothing too serious of subjects at all but fun and I got to make a little time for some creativity!
Ok on to the Fab five!!!
- I am loving Suzanne's work at Coleyism. It itles beautiful and deep. I can get lost in the images!
- I know I am a little late to the Jenniebellie ship of love but I *just* discoverer her. I am in awe of her talent and her graciously free tutorials she offers for free! Lovely woman!!!
- I am not sure how or where I stumbled onto Caatje's blog, but I was so interested in her post on how she downsized in order to make more time for her creativity! Plus, I love her journaling!
- *sigh* I really can't send enough love for Dottie Angel. Seriously.....just go look at her cuteness!!!
- I ran into a wonderful artist at Dryada Journals, lovely journals just beautiful! Definitely on my favorite list!!!