First off, I was lucky enough to be involved in the "Sheart" workshop taught by Christy Tomlinson. It has bee amazing!!! It is a three week course but you have 3 months to do it in, so I have been working at my own pace. I have learned SO many cool tricks and have put some of them into the other projects I have finished as well! I have completed 2 "girls" but only have pic's of my second one....I gave my first away to a good friend the moment I finished it! So here is my sweet girl!!! I hope you love her as much as me!!!!
Next is a picture I made for my a horribly empty living room wall. I thrifted a HUGE sofa sized picture and ripped it out of the frame. Painted it white and then went to town on the "canvas" I am so happy how this turned out It took me over a month to say that I am DONE with it! Lots of layers, textures, paint and ink! The picture is the cover of a old piece of music titled "Venitian Moon" that I have had for several years. I bought it becuase I loved the look of it, but when I played it on the piano I wasn't crazy about the tune. SO I don't feel guilty about ruining a piece of sheet music. I thrifted the large silver "moon" (acutally a neclace brooch combo) and added a little ink to distress it. It is suppose to symbolize the moon, becuase of the title that was showing at the time but ended up being camoflauged under a few layers of goodness, but I still like to call it a moon! So hope you like it! BTW the shelf isn't exactly have what I want on it, but I haven't yet fouND the right "something".
I think that this is enough for this post....I still have my one last one I am working on right now, but it isn't done I think I will wait....maybe I will give a sneak peek later! Thanks for looking!!!! And just a quick shout out to Christy Tomlinson, she is an AMAZING teacher and has turned my creative juices on again! Thank you Christy, or in her own words...."thanks sweets!!!"
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